What is my Kauapa: three key words Mental Health/Stereotypes
What artists have I looked at so far?
Frida Kahlo, Miriam Schapiro, Shane Cotton
How does my work show that I considered Negative space?
I have made sure that the light source has the brightest shades and the further towards the back of the brain the painting goes, the darker the paint is, showing degradation of the brain.
What has happened in the making process that led me to new ideas around negative space once the works were made?
I very much messed up my first attempt at painting my brain, so I repainted it with a much more careful and precise approach.
What can I do to go further with my work?
Lovely suggested using the shape of a brain to put images inside, such as people. I really really like this idea and I’m probably going to use it for future works.