
Friday 21 October 2016

Jade 21/10/2016 Writing

The young girl floated away from the destroyed world, her dark brown hair flailing, floating into the void. She could hear high-pitched giggling, and she knew whose it was.
“Chara! Show yourself!” she shouted. The other voice giggled.
“Come on Frisk, it’s too late to go back. But you want to, don’t you? You’re as frightened as a deer. You know that that comedian will remember.” Frisk began to cry.
“Heh. You’re more of a crybaby than… than… no, I can’t say his name.” Chara said, her voice quivering.
“You mean Asriel?” Frisk finished. Chara suddenly sounded flustered.
“Don’t say that name!” she scolded.
“Or what? You’re just the ghost of Princess Chara of the Underground. You can’t do anything to hurt me.” Frisk replied.
“I dropped that name long ago. I am no princess. I am Chara, the demon that comes when people call it’s name.”
Frisk floated around for about 10 minutes. She was starting to feel regret for what she’d done. This all started out with her just being a jerk to Flowey! And he deserves it, he is a jerk! Suddenly, Chara’s voice rang out across the pitch-black void.
“You still want to go back. Hmph. That can be arranged. You still have something I want.
“You give me your SOUL, and I’ll bring this world back. Sound like a fair deal?”
Frisk would do anything to bring back the world she destroyed. She nodded, and held her hands over her chest. A bright red heart glowed in the darkness, floating in her hands. She closed her eyes, and held her hands out. The red glow was put out, and suddenly, she was running up a mountain. She did it! Frisk thought. Suddenly, she tripped. This was the fourth timeline she’d been in. She let herself fall this time.
Poof! She landed on the familiar bed of golden flowers. Her blue sweater with two pink stripes was covered in golden petals. So were her matching blue shorts. She lay there for a second, a bit winded from the fall, before standing up and walking to the dark purple door. In the next room was Flowey the Flower. Ha, more like Flowey the Jerk, jeez. Frisk thought sarcastically. She walked through the door.
“Howdy! I’m Flowey! Flowey the Flower!” said the flower. A familiar tune began to play.
“You’re new to the Underground, aintcha? Golly, you must be so confused! Someone ought to teach you the way things work down here! I guess little old ME will have to do!”
At this point, the only thing going through Frisk’s mind was, Don’t be a jerk, don’t be a jerk, DON’T BE A JERK! What remained of her SOUL after Chara took it sat in the Battle Box.