
Friday 16 February 2018

What Is Safety?

In Technology, we are learning to keep safe in the workshop. The main ways to do this is to learn how to follow the signs present in the workshop. There are 3 kinds of signs.

Image result for hazard sign

Image result for prohibition sign
The first is a yellow triangle with a black icon and black border. This is a hazard sign. A hazard sign is present whenever something that can cause harm is also present and can be difficult to remove or minimise. If a sign like this is around, heed its advice and stay on your watch.

The second is a white circle with a black icon and a red border and red cross going through it. This sign is a prohibition sign. If this sign is around, it means you're not allowed to do something specific. For example, one with a phone might be around, meaning you must leave behind or turn off your phone.

Image result for mandatory sign

The third and last is a blue circle with a white icon. This is a mandatory sign. If you see this sign, you must do whatever the sign says and make sure you have the right equipment. For example, if you see one with safety goggles, you must put on safety goggles to protect your eyes.

I made my own sign, a mandatory sign meaning you must you use a safety screen around a certain machine.

Wednesday 14 February 2018

Making Food in Home Economics!

I created savoury cases! I made these with Chloe, Jaime and Kayne. These were made from bread, cream corn/spaghetti, cheese and onion (Although I didn't get any cheese on mine because the others took it all, mainly Kayne!). We were very proud of how it tasted, it tasted very nice and it was cooked perfectly. We would improve on sharing the ingredients more evenly between each other (KAYNE).

Image result for savoury bread cases
What they looked like!

Thursday 8 February 2018

What makes a good song and a 'blegh' song (In my opinion)

So I'm here to explain why I like different songs compared to others. I have an odd taste in music, so strap in and enjoy the ride!

First up: 'Ghost Rule' by DECO*27 (English lyrics by rachie)
I love Ghost Rule! It's a nice song with a good story.

-Catchy beat right from the start
-Intriguing story
-The line 'I've hidden it away' hints at some mystery
-The repeating line 'Mayday' gives a sense of danger
-Hinting at a secondary character other than the person the singer is talking to
-The singer obviously is sorry for whatever she did
-The first four lines repeating shows some sadness

Next: 'Witch Hunt' by Ryo (English lyrics by JubyPhonic-P)
I hate this song with a passion. There are so many things wrong with the story.

-Very odd choice of beat and instruments
-"She came to love a young prince, so the story goes" That's not how that works
-That escalated quickly... she was in love with the prince in one line then tied to a cross in the next. What?
-This is one of the few songs where I genuinely don't like the repetitive lines...
-Doesn't show that the current event is the witch being tied until the second chorus
-It really annoys me when people just edit one of the lines to prove a point
-"Can't believe all the fools I see! You fed them dirty lies!" No, they didn't, you're a witch
-"No need for a magic to stop time, no spell can achieve what we feel" Yes it can
-"Penitence for your crime! Penitence and your life!" Please shut up

What am I learning?

I'm learning how to show what evidence I have to support a particular opinion; in this case, why I like Ghost Rule and not Witch Hunt.

How does this work show my learning?

It shows how I used the tools at my disposal to write a list of why I like and dislike these particular songs.

What do you guys think about these particular songs? Is there anything I could improve on in regards to this post? Please let me know in the comments!