
Tuesday 13 November 2018

Video Game Gone Rouge - Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc

“Kirigiri, wait-!” I was shoved backward and into the arms of who I assumed to be Asahina, judging by the red-clad arms that wrapped around my torso. I looked up at the taller figure - her purple eyes seemed to glow in the light, her long lilac hair covering most of her face.
“K-K-Kirigiri, I-I--” Fukawa started, before she was cut off by Kirigiri.
“Shut it, Fukawa.” Kirigiri snapped.

I always wondered what happened to Kirigiri… she always seemed so cool, calm and collected, but now she’s… rampant. Well, rouge would be a better word. She must’ve snapped after seeing what Junko did to everything, destroying everything she knew and loved.
“Hey, Naegi? You okay?” I stood up out of Asahina’s grasp and looked at the man who called me - Hagakure - before nodding. Oh- I should name everyone, shouldn’t I? There was Kirigiri Kyoko, as I said, as well as Hagakure Yasuhiro. There’s also Togami Byakuya, Fukawa Toko, Asahina Aoi, and… oh, myself, Naegi Makoto! But… that’s not the point.

Kirigiri lived in central Tokyo with her father. Something happened to her hands in that time, I don’t know what. But her hands are severely damaged, and she always wears gloves. She became the Ultimate Detective and became a student of Hope’s Peak Academy - where her father stood principal. The Ultimate Despair, which Junko Enoshima and her sister Ikusaba Mukuro lead, began to take over the school, so everyone hid. Unfortunately, myself and thirteen others, including the other five with me, were put into a killing game, run by the sisters.

Eight innocent people died, and it seems that it took a toll on Kirigiri. Watching our friends die… it changed all of us, but the previously calm and collected Kirigiri just… snapped. We watched her change from a detective that wanted to help all of us to a defiant woman that’s trying to lead us into despair. After all I did to help everyone rally for hope… Kirigiri just wants to lead us into despair.

What am I learning?: I'm learning how to portray a character I know in a different light.
How does this work show my learning?: It shows that I can take characters I know and shift their role, while still making sense.
What am I wondering?: What other ways could I have portrayed Kirigiri here?

1 comment:

  1. Hello Jade! ヽ(•‿•)ノ

    So it seems you write in 1st POV. Interesting. When I was reading your piece of writing I felt goosebumps slowly crawling all over my skin as I was instantly hooked onto the plot. I really hope to write similarly to you as I mainly focus writing in 3rd POV. ヽ(•‿•)ノ


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