
Wednesday 20 June 2018

The Merchant of Venice: Shakespeare study (Part 4)

Why does Launcelot want to leave Shylock? Give evidence from the text to support your thinking.
'If I listened to my conscience, I’d stay with the Jew my master, who’s a devil. But if I ran away from the Jew, I’d be following the advice of the devil, who’s the very devil himself. Certainly the Jew is the devil incarnate, and my conscience is giving me a hard time by telling me to stay with the Jew. The devil’s advice is nicer. I’ll run, devil. Tell me to run, and I’ll run.'

Why is Bassanio worried about taking Gratiano with him to Belmont?
He's worried that Gratiano will get drunk and sleep with ladies again.

In lines 114-142...
Launcelot and his father are very anxious to find Launcelot a new job. They both want to impress Bassanio. This leads to a. frequent interruptions.
      b. contradictions
      c. misuse of words to impress.

      Find examples of each of these in the text.
In very brief, the suit is impertinent to myself, as your worship shall know by this honest old man—and though I say it, though old man, yet poor man, my father
One speak for both. What would you?
Here’s my son, sir, a poor boy—
LAUNCELOT:Not a poor boy, sir, but the rich Jew’s man that would, sir, as my father shall specify—

I can't find an answer for C.

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