
Tuesday 13 November 2018

Video Game Gone Rouge - Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc

“Kirigiri, wait-!” I was shoved backward and into the arms of who I assumed to be Asahina, judging by the red-clad arms that wrapped around my torso. I looked up at the taller figure - her purple eyes seemed to glow in the light, her long lilac hair covering most of her face.
“K-K-Kirigiri, I-I--” Fukawa started, before she was cut off by Kirigiri.
“Shut it, Fukawa.” Kirigiri snapped.

I always wondered what happened to Kirigiri… she always seemed so cool, calm and collected, but now she’s… rampant. Well, rouge would be a better word. She must’ve snapped after seeing what Junko did to everything, destroying everything she knew and loved.
“Hey, Naegi? You okay?” I stood up out of Asahina’s grasp and looked at the man who called me - Hagakure - before nodding. Oh- I should name everyone, shouldn’t I? There was Kirigiri Kyoko, as I said, as well as Hagakure Yasuhiro. There’s also Togami Byakuya, Fukawa Toko, Asahina Aoi, and… oh, myself, Naegi Makoto! But… that’s not the point.

Kirigiri lived in central Tokyo with her father. Something happened to her hands in that time, I don’t know what. But her hands are severely damaged, and she always wears gloves. She became the Ultimate Detective and became a student of Hope’s Peak Academy - where her father stood principal. The Ultimate Despair, which Junko Enoshima and her sister Ikusaba Mukuro lead, began to take over the school, so everyone hid. Unfortunately, myself and thirteen others, including the other five with me, were put into a killing game, run by the sisters.

Eight innocent people died, and it seems that it took a toll on Kirigiri. Watching our friends die… it changed all of us, but the previously calm and collected Kirigiri just… snapped. We watched her change from a detective that wanted to help all of us to a defiant woman that’s trying to lead us into despair. After all I did to help everyone rally for hope… Kirigiri just wants to lead us into despair.

What am I learning?: I'm learning how to portray a character I know in a different light.
How does this work show my learning?: It shows that I can take characters I know and shift their role, while still making sense.
What am I wondering?: What other ways could I have portrayed Kirigiri here?

Thursday 20 September 2018

The Fair Trading Act

The Fair Trading Act is the act put in place to ensure that consumers get exactly what they ask for so they can be confident in what they buy.

  1. What is the Fair Trading Act?
    The Fair Trading Act is the act of prohibiting false advertising and fraud.
  2. What is the commerce commission's goal?
    The commerce commission enforces certain laws, such as the ones that give loan rights and buying on credit.
  3. Who besides the commission is responsible for the act and can take their own legal action?
    Consumers and producers.
  4. Who are the 2 types of groups the act apply to?
    Again, consumers and producers.

Compliance Obligations
  1. What do the acts apply to?
    New Zealand businesses that seek to deceive consumers by falsely advertising their product.
  2. Does it only apply if you intend to deceive? Explain.
    Yes. The act only specifies things in the event that you intend to deceive consumers.
  3. Whose 'shoes' must the business put themselves into?
    Their customers'.
  4. What is the commission empowered to do?
    Enforce laws relating to competition and fair trading. 
Reporting a Business
  1. If you need to report a business, how do you do this?
    You can report a business to the Commerce Commission by calling their number (0800 943 600) or emailing them (

It is important to know your rights as a consumer in case you pay more for a product than you should've or you get a faulty product or even a product completely different to what you asked for. If any of these happen, it can be considered fraud or deceit. For example, I have bought what I thought was a large telescope about half the height of me (who is 166cm/5'4"), but I got only a small one similar to those cliche ones in pirate movies. You can report these kinds of businesses to the Commerce Commission via the methods above. It is important to be careful when buying online, and to make sure the product you get is exactly what you asked for.

Thursday 2 August 2018

The Merchant of Venice: Shakespeare study (Part 7)

Act Two, Scene Seven
Which casket does the Prince of Morocco think is worthy to contain Portia’s portrait. Use evidence of the text to justify your answer.
He thinks the silver one has Portia's portrait.
"A golden mind stoops not to shows of dross.
I’ll then nor give nor hazard aught for lead.
What says the silver with her virgin hue?"

How is Portia feeling in A2S7 -at the beginning, -while the Prince is making his choice, -at the end?
At the beginning: Probably quite impatient, as she doesn't seem to like the Prince of Morocco.
While the Prince is making his choice: Even more impatient because he's stalling.
At the end: Happy that he chose the wrong casket.

What was Portia's father trying to achieve through the use of the caskets? Does this seem to be working?
He hoped that unworthy men would not get a chance to marry Portia. It does seem to be working, as all of her suitors that she didn't like chose the wrong casket.

Act Two, Scene Eight
What double disaster has struck Shylock?
His daughter has run away with a Christian, and Antonio's ships have reportedly sunk.

Where did Shylock think Lorenzo & Jessica might be?
He thought they were on the ship with Bassanio.

How did Bassanio and Antonio part?
Antonio teared up and shook Bassanio's hand affectionately before separating.

What is the first suggestion of trouble for Antonio? Find a quote that tells you this.

"Marry, well remembered.
I reasoned with a Frenchman yesterday,
Who told me, in the narrow seas that part
The French and English, there miscarried
A vessel of our country richly fraught.
I thought upon Antonio when he told me,
And wished in silence that it were not his."

Thursday 26 July 2018

The Merchant of Venice: Shakespeare study (Part 6)

Act Two, Scene Six
How does Launcelot manage to tell Jessica that Lorenzo will be there that evening?

He says to her when she looks out the window "A Christian's coming who’ll be worth a Jewess’s glance." 

What does Jessica throw down to Lorenzo?
She throws down a box.
Why is Antonio looking for Gratiano?
His friends are all waiting for him to get on the ship to Belmont with Bassanio.

Act Two Discussion Questions:
In A2S2, Launcelot deceives his father. In A2S6, Jessica deceives hers, What does each of them hope to achieve?
Launcelot does it to prank his father, Jessica does it to run away from hers.

In A2S5 Lines 11-18 & 28-39. In both speeches, Shylock is speaking to his daughter, Jessica. What is his attitude to her? Give supporting examples from the text.
Shylock uses a bossy, disappointed attitude.

In A2S5 Lines 11-18 & 28-39. What do Launcelot and the audience know, that Shylock does not? How does this show dramatic irony?
Launcelot is aware that there is no masquerade. This shows dramatic irony because of how hard Launcelot worked to say the opposite. 

Tuesday 26 June 2018

The Merchant of Venice: Shakespeare study (Part 5)

Act Two, Scene Three
What does Jessica think of her life at home? Give evidence from the text to support your thinking.
'Alack, what heinous sin is it in me
To be ashamed to be my father’s child!
But though I am a daughter to his blood,
I am not to his manners.'

Which of Bassanio’s friends is Jessica planning to marry?

Act Two, Scene Four
How does Jessica get a message to her lover?
She gets Lancelot to deliver it.

How will she be disguised for the elopement?
She will be wearing a page's uniform.

Act Two, Scene Five
Why is Shylock uneasy about going out for the evening? Give evidence from the text to support your thinking.
'I am right loath to go.
There is some ill a-brewing towards my rest,
For I did dream of money bags tonight.'

Wednesday 20 June 2018

The Merchant of Venice: Shakespeare study (Part 4)

Why does Launcelot want to leave Shylock? Give evidence from the text to support your thinking.
'If I listened to my conscience, I’d stay with the Jew my master, who’s a devil. But if I ran away from the Jew, I’d be following the advice of the devil, who’s the very devil himself. Certainly the Jew is the devil incarnate, and my conscience is giving me a hard time by telling me to stay with the Jew. The devil’s advice is nicer. I’ll run, devil. Tell me to run, and I’ll run.'

Why is Bassanio worried about taking Gratiano with him to Belmont?
He's worried that Gratiano will get drunk and sleep with ladies again.

In lines 114-142...
Launcelot and his father are very anxious to find Launcelot a new job. They both want to impress Bassanio. This leads to a. frequent interruptions.
      b. contradictions
      c. misuse of words to impress.

      Find examples of each of these in the text.
In very brief, the suit is impertinent to myself, as your worship shall know by this honest old man—and though I say it, though old man, yet poor man, my father
One speak for both. What would you?
Here’s my son, sir, a poor boy—
LAUNCELOT:Not a poor boy, sir, but the rich Jew’s man that would, sir, as my father shall specify—

I can't find an answer for C.

Friday 15 June 2018


In Music, we are doing a piece for Matariki. This will be a performance of AOTEAROA by Stan Walker. I am wearing a lavalava over my school uniform. I'm doing quite well with the lyrics for my solo. The actions are quite straightforward too. I'm not really having trouble with anything, although some of the other boys keep forgetting the actions, especially Ansh and Nishnit.

What am I learning?
I am learning to cooperate with others in choreography.
How does this work show my learning?
It shows that I am helping others with choreo.

Tuesday 12 June 2018

The Merchant of Venice: Shakespeare study (Part 3)

We have watched racial and religious tensions at work in A1S3. The Prince of Morocco opens A2S1 with another sensitive issue. What is it?
The skin complexion issue and racism.

If Antonio loses his gamble, he must forfeit a pound of flesh. What must Portia’s suitors give up if they fail to win her?
If Portia's suitors pick the wrong casket, he must never marry another woman.

Shylock practices ‘usury’. What is this?
The practice of interest.

Why do Shylock and Antonio hate each other?
Shylock is a Jew and Antonio is a Christian. There is also the matter of Antonio spitting on Shylock, calling him a dog and kicking him.

What is Portia’s opinion of the Prince of Morocco- give examples.
He is the favourite of her suitors so far.

What am I learning? I'm learning to be able to answer questions about a text.
How does this work show my learning?
It proves I can show evidence from the text.
What am I wondering? How much racism is still in the world?

The Merchant of Venice: Shakespeare study (Part 2)

Shylock is a moneylender. Does he seem eager to do business with Bassanio? How do you know?
Yes. He is eager to see if Antonio will pay out.
Which does Shylock think is safe, his business or Antonio’s? Why?
His own. Because all of Antonio's cash is at sea, there's risk of him losing it all, while his own has no risk of losing his profit.
Why doesn’t Shylock want to dine with Bassanio and Antonio?
He can smell pork, which is cursed by Jew standards.

What strict principal of his is Antonio breaking to help Bassanio?
Lending money on interest.

Shylock tells a bible story to prove that the taking of profit is blessed, as long as thieving is not involved. Does he convince Antonio? Give evidence.
No. Antonio points out that it was the work of God, not Jacob.

k accuses Antonio of a whole catalogue of nastiness. How does Antonio answer the charges?
Antonio admits to all of them and admits he will do it again.

How does Bassanio react to the proposed bond?
He immediately tells Antonio to drop it, but he accepts it anyway.

Tuesday 29 May 2018

The Merchant of Venice: Shakespeare study

Act One, Scene One

Antonio is depressed without knowing why. What two possible reasons do his friends suggest?
That he's worried his ships will get lost/sink, or he is lovesick.
Do you think Gratiano’s contributions help Antonio’s mood?
Somewhat, although Bassanio wasn't impressed with Gratiano's speech.
What are your first impressions of Bassanio?
He seems very kind and anxious about ruining his friendship with Antonio.
Is he in love?
Yes, he is in love with Portia.
Why does he need to borrow money again now?
He wants to go and woo Portia, but he doesn't have the money to do so.

Act One, Scene Two

How do Portia’s first words compare with Antonio’s?
Antonio is sad, while Portia is just done with everything.
What is the reason for her mood?
She hates all of her suitors.
Do you think Nerissa is a help to her?
Kind of. She ups Portia's spirits but can be annoying sometimes.
Sum up, in a word or a short phrase, Portia’s attitude to her suitors so far.

Monday 28 May 2018


This week at Wood Tech we made bullroarers, a device that Australian Aborigines used to frighten the enemy before a battle. It makes a haunting sound that gets higher-pitched the more the edges are tapered.
Image result for bullroarer
We used a belt sander to shape our wood, which I don't know the dimensions of. We marked the hole for the string 15mm down from the top of our wood. A can was used for a smooth, accurate curve. After we sanded down the sides and drilled a hole, nylon string was tied through the hole. This bullroarer isn't mine, it's Nishnit's. Mine is on the roof because my string came undone...

Wednesday 16 May 2018


Do you have a little sibling that you love, but always outshines you? If your answer is yes, in Wonder by R.J. Palacio, you can empathise with Olivia Pullman, August’s older sister. The readers really admire Via, and her character helped us to understand the book as a whole. This essay will be explaining how Via is a kind but ignored person in the story that wants to outshine her brother, just once.

Via is a kind and understanding teenager but is constantly underestimated and ignored by her parents. She really loves her family, but she takes things that they do out of context to make it sound like they don’t love her back. This is seen in the play incident where Via snaps at her parents after stating that she doesn’t want August to go to the play she’s performing in. This helped develop the character of Via from someone who just sits back and lets August control everything to someone who will take control of a situation so she gets to spend more time with her mother. We admire her in this situation because it shows her relationship with her family is rocky, but she knows her family loves her and would do anything to make her happy. This situation is reversed when August snaps at Via and his mother about the play. This doesn't mean Via is before her brother, though.

In her parent's list of priorities, August is far beyond Via. She does, however, get the attention she needs from her boyfriend, Justin. Justin started dating Via while they were doing a play together. Justin cares for Via a lot. An example is by stating that she's not an awful person when she says she is in the chapter of Justin's part named 'Bird'. This shows that even though Via doesn't get much love from her family, she still gets love from Justin when she needs it and it develops her character more. An incident later in their relationship that makes us admire them more is after Our Town when Isabelle and Nate, her parents, were congratulating them and Justin complimented her performance.

In Our Town, Miranda was meant to be the actor of Emily, not Via. Miranda and Via had a very rocky relationship with each other since the start of high school, but they both wanted to fix them. Via described Miranda and her other friend Ella leaving her as them 'blasting off'. Miranda and Ella jumped ship to the popular group while Via was left behind. When Miranda got back from summer camp, she made plans with Ella, but not Via. This upset Via. Some of us can relate to Via here, as we watch our friends abandon us for glory. However, they make amends by Via and her parents insisting she come over for dinner.

Via is a very nice character but doesn't get the recognition she deserves. We can understand the book better by reading her version of events and see what it's like to be the sibling of someone who is different.

Pita Pockets!

In Home Economics, we made pita pockets. We used pita bread, grated carrots, lettuce, cheese, tomatoes, chicken, onion, and spring onion(Although I'm the only one that used spring onion!). Image result for pita pocket

A few of us also used sauces, like mayonnaise and barbecue sauce.

Thursday 10 May 2018

Term 2 Week 2: Word Vomit

“He looks like an escaped mental asylum patient.” I burst into laughter at Kara’s comment. I look at the man they’re pointing to and he honestly does. A suit, long grey beard, monocle, top hat. I look back at Kara, who’s still holding back laughter. The man’s face looks calming, somewhat. “Wait, isn’t that Shirley Campbell?” I look at Kara. “Cam… pebell’s!” Kara laughs, quoting a Vine. I hold back laughter again. I look back over at Shirley. He looks confused, like everything he knew has changed. I wouldn’t be surprised, he’s been missing for 20-odd years. I can’t help but look at him. Something about him just draws me in. Maybe it’s his confused yet happy look. Maybe it’s his clothes. I don’t know. But I feel the urge to help him. I go to stand up, but Kara grabs my arm. “Dude, no! I don’t need another one of my roommates going insane! Seriously, Jay!” We both laugh and I sit back down. I hope he’ll do alright.

Word Count: 170

Wednesday 9 May 2018

WONDER: Venn Diagram

Left: Book, right: Movie

What am I learning?
I'm learning to be able to compare two versions of the same story.

How does this work show my learning?
By showing that I can see the differences and similarities between two stories.

What am I wondering?
What subtle similarities does each of the versions have?

Friday 4 May 2018


Matariki is a celebration commemorating the Maori new year. It is also a time for harvesting, mourning and feasting.

Celebrations for Matariki started before the Europeans came and carried on, but soon died down, one of the last recorded Matariki celebrations being recorded in 1940. They regained popularity in the early 21st century, around 2001.

Mataariki - Eyes of the Ariki - is said to be made of the eyes/tears of the god of the winds, Tawhirimatea. Other stories say that the largest star is the mother star while the other six are its sisters. One story I heard is that the seven sisters came in the form of beautiful women and enchanted Maui’s brothers. The brothers practically served the maidens. Maui soon picked up on this and sent the seven maidens into the sky, turning them into stars.

The celebrations of Matariki were originally made the night the seven stars disappeared. The people would harvest their crops and put them in their storage houses. The next day, on the new moon, the people would celebrate and feast on their successful crops and hunts. They would also pray for the people who had died the previous year, who they believe had turned into stars.

Today, people celebrate Matariki with concerts, cultural performances, craft workshops and other celebratory activities. People gather with their families and look at the past. They harvest any plants they’d planted then replant them the next day. Plenty of celebratory preparations are in place for Matariki.

Monday 9 April 2018

Novel Study: WONDER (Part 5)

1. Discuss the motivations for Julian's mum to photoshop August out of the class photo and it’s the message it sends to Julian.
Julian's mum doesn't like August, so she photoshopped his face out of the picture and sent it to everyone.

2. What do you make of Mrs Albans' statement that August is handicapped? Do you think she was correct when she said it places too much of a burden on the kids to befriend August?
August is not handicapped. He is capable of doing everything on his own. She was wrong because August can't get through school without friends.

3. Mrs Alban also thought that August shouldn't have been allowed into Beecher Prep. Do you agree or disagree? Explain.
I disagree. He took the entry test and passed, so long as he passes he's a good candidate for the school.

4. How did Jack handle being frozen out by all the boys at Beecher Prep? 
He didn't really care much. He decided to hang out with August and Summer.

5. Why was Justin nervous when he was going to meet Olivia's parents? How did it show? How did it work out?
He would be worried that her parents wouldn't accept him. He was so nervous his tics were showing. Her parents were very kind to him though.

6. Why does Justin greet the different members of the family in four different ways? Explain each greeting.
He shook Via's dad's hand as a formal greeting. He hugged her mum as another formal greeting. He fist-punched August as a casual greeting. He kissed Via's cheek as a romantic greeting.

7. In the bus stop chapter, Justin told Julian and his friends to leave Jack alone. Was this a good thing to do? 
Yes. It's not nice to bully people for being friends with another person. People can be friends with whoever they want to be, no one else has a say.

8. In the chapter titled Bird, Via states that she is 'an awful person'. Why do you think she feels this way? Is she right?
She called herself an awful person because she felt selfish that she didn't want to be embarrassed by August at the show. She's wrong because no one has to know that he's Via's brother.

9. In what ways is Part Five different from the other Parts of the book?
The grammar Justin's written in is incorrect. There are no speech marks or capital letters.


Musical: Via and Justin are enjoying Valentine's day. Find a song that you think they might listen to together to celebrate the holiday. Be sure to explain why you think it fits the situation and their personalities.
My choice: 'Shelter' by Porter Robinson and Madeon
I believe this fits their personalities well. As Justin's family is quite neglectful, he likes Via's more, so the lines 'I'll give them shelter like you've done for me, and I know I'm not alone' would be sung by him. Via also enjoys his company but sometimes grows distant, hence the lines 'I could never find the right way to tell you, have you noticed I've been gone?' Again, I think this song describes their personalities well.

Vocabulary: Find the meanings of the following words: Dissed, sarcastically, tics, immaculate, monologue and theorems.
Dissed: Teased, made fun of
Sarcastically: Saying something in a tone that means the opposite
Tics: Twitching of the face
Immaculate: Neat and tidy, perfect
Monologue: A speech normally made as a part of a play or Broadway show
Theorems: An educated guess, synonym to 'hypothesis'

Wednesday 28 March 2018

Hot X Buns

I cooked hot cross buns with Kaela, Marshall and our Thai student Orn. We did very well on the score for our baking, the only cross we got was keeping on time as it took 5 minutes for us to decide who was putting away the dishes.

The final product

The recipe

This recipe was very fun and easy to make. What we would change next time is making sure we're on time.

Tuesday 27 March 2018

Novel Study: WONDER (Can Do Task 1)

I chose a musical can-do task where we review the theme song for the movie adaption of the book.

The music starts out quiet, showing his shyness of starting a new school. The notes give a sense of hope and faith that something good will come out of the bad. A small wave of sadness comes through when the violin comes in and the melody changes. The music slowly starts getting louder to symbolise something's about to happen. Then the music SWELLS and the sounds say something like 'This is who I am' or 'I started from the bottom and now I'm up here'. The music makes a sudden drop for the last minute or so to show emotion. The emotions symbolise that August went through a whole lot to live a normal life, but he never gave up and now has everything he could want.

Novel Study: WONDER (Part 4)

1. What was Summer's initial reaction to August's face? Why did they become friends?
Summer felt sorry for August because she knew that people would make fun of him. It's hard being the new kid even with a normal face, let alone a deformed face.

2. Summer isn't in the popular group at school, why is she invited to Savanna's party?
Savanna wanted to know why she hung out with August so much.

3. How does Summer foster a relationship with Auggie, in what ways is it beneficial for them both?
August and Summer have personalities that are very similar. They always make sure that the other is okay. They cheer each other up when they need it.

4. Part 4 starts with the quote "Now here is my secret. It is very simple. It is only with one's heart that one can see clearly. What is essential is invisible to the eye." What does it mean?
People are more often able to get what they want through their kindness and not their words.

5. What was Jack's initial reaction to Mr Tushman's request to show August around school?
He didn't want to do it because of August's face deformation, which his mother got a bit mad about.

6. Friendship can be difficult. How does Jack feel about him and August becoming ex-friends? How does he feel when he finds out why?
He was happy that he got to hang out with the popular group, but he didn't like the popular group. When he found out why, though, he immediately regretted saying what he said.

7. How was Jack provoked to punch Julian in the face? Explain why you think this was the right/wrong thing to do.
Julian was insisting on being Jack's partner, saying that he didn't have to be friends with August. This wasn't a good choice as he could have just as easily made a verbal comeback.

8. How did reading Jack's point of view change your perception of his character?
Jack's point of view was very interesting. We get to see how one of the deuteragonists got to be in that situation and how he reacted to finding out how he became a secondary antagonist.

9. Predict how you think August will react to the news that Jack punched Julian. What effect will it have on their friendship?
He will probably act shocked that Jack would do such a thing. Jack doesn't seem like the aggressive type, so it would probably shock a lot of people. I think that August would be scared of Jack because he's afraid that he'd say something wrong and get the same treatment. Until he found out the context, anyway.

Thursday 22 March 2018

Novel Study: WONDER (Part 3)

You know the drill!

1. Explain how the point of view in Part 2 is different from that in Part 1. Do they match up?
No, while Part 1 is in August's perspective, Part 2 is from the perspective of his older sister, Via.

2. In at least a paragraph, describe the challenges Via might face being August's sister.
It's obvious throughout this part that Via doesn't get very much attention as everyone's focus is always on August. This can lead to self-esteem and relationship problems. Her mother is also paranoid about her going on the subway by herself due to her insecurities relating to August. Even though they're not the same person, they're both her children, so she thinks the same about them both.

3. Via says 'August is the Sun'. Explain what she means and why she feels this way.
August is the Sun because everyone orbits around him. Everyone else are the planets around him.

4. Do you agree with Via that she and her parents have made a mistake by always trying to make August feel like he's normal? Is this a problem? Explain.
I actually disagree with Via. Them treating him normally is a good thing, due to the fact that he should be treated normally by default. Besides, he needs emotional support from people who don't judge him because of his face.

5. Why does Via go by Olivia at high school? How is Via finding high school?
She finds it more comfortable to be referred to as 'Olivia'. She's happy that not many people know her, although she's struggling to get along with Ella and Miranda.

6. What are the odds of Via having a child that looks like August? Do you think these are good odds? Explain.
It's a one-in-four chance, but only if she marries someone with the same gene and they have children. These are very good odds, as the gene is quite rare so it won't have a very high chance of double-dosing like what happened to August.

7. Explore the character Miranda. Why did she call August at the end of Part 2? Explain.
She called August to try to get a message through to Via, as proved by the line by August, "She said to tell you she misses you. Quote unquote."

8. Describe Via as a character. Do you empathise with her?
Via is a high school student who always lives in the shadow of August due to his face deformation. I don't empathise with her too much, that would be more my brothers.

9. What do you think will happen to August when he returns to school?
I think he will make friends with more students, who will inspire him to stand up for himself and tell someone about what's happening between himself and Julian.

Thursday 15 March 2018

Novel Study: WONDER (Part 2)

Now that we've read more of Wonder, we have more questions to answer!

1. Star Wars is one of August's passions. Why do you think this is? Do you see any reasons for August to identify with these characters, or aspire to be like them?
He likes Star Wars due to the characters having their own problems and overcoming them like how he wishes he could do with his deformed face.

2. What questions did Julian ask August and why did August want to slide under the desk? Explain why Julian asked those questions.
Julian asked who his favorite Star Wars character was and other characters. He asked about Darth Sidious and August wanted to slide under the desk due to the context of the question.

3. Mr. Browne's September precept was 'When given the choice of being right or being kind, choose kind'. Do you agree with this precept? Explain.
It depends on the context. If a person is being mean to others because they think they're right, it is better to be right in that situation due to their stubbornness.

4. In the chapter 'One to Ten', August is feeling mad with his mother but he's not sure why. Explain why you think he was mad.
He was angry at his mother because of his mother's pestering questions about school. He didn't want to talk, so he grew annoyed.

5. August invited his whole class to his birthday party but not many kids came. Why do you think they didn't go?
Not very many people came because not very many kids liked August.

6. August says he has an 'Aversion' to getting his picture taken. What is an aversion? Why does August have an aversion to having his picture taken?
An 'aversion' is another word for a dislike, however in a more severe form. He has an aversion to having his picture taken due to his appearance.

7. Why does no one want to touch August? How do you think this makes him feel?
People think August's condition is contagious and don't want to get infected. This doesn't bother him much, however, it does hurt his feelings somewhat.

8. Did your opinion of Jack Will change after August overheard him talking to Julian? Explain.
Yes. I was disappointed that he didn't share what he really thought of August sooner. I wish he was more honest with people that look up to him, like August.

9. Do you think August will go back to school? Predict what will happen next.
I think he won't want to go back to school, but he does anyway after convincing from his parents and Via.


I'm learning how to use the information in a book to answer questions about the subject.


It shows that I have paid attention to these parts in the story and know how to answer questions about them.

Tuesday 6 March 2018

ART: Beatriz Milhazes

Image result for milhazes

This is an example of Beatriz Milhazes's work. People doing the painting programme in Art are studying her to see what layering effects look like.

The layering in this image is very intriguing. The border of the circles are overlapping the petals of the flowers, but not the circles themselves. Even the background is eye-catching, the bright colours of the lines and squares really bring the piece together. I could apply this to my work by looking at the unique layering technique and use it in my painting.

Thursday 1 March 2018

Novel Study: WONDER

'Wonder' is the touching story of a young boy named August living with a face deformation. He lives with his parents, older sister Via and dog Daisy. We are doing a novel study of this book and are required to answer questions as we go along.

1: What is August's one wish that he wanted? If you could change one thing about your appearance, what would it be?
August's wish was to not look like he does now and to live like any normal young boy. If I could change my appearance, I would want to make my hair long enough to tie up.

2: What do you think it means to be ordinary? What makes August extraordinary?
In my mind, there is no such thing as 'ordinary', as everyone is unique in their own way. August is extraordinary because of his many surgeries and he survived something he wasn't supposed to.

3: How do people react when they see August's face? How would you react?
People act horrified because he is different. If I saw someone like him, I would probably act the same for a second before starting a conversation with them to make them feel happy about themselves.

4: August's dad said, "So sending him off to school like a lamb to the slaughter..." What does this mean?
August's father knew he would get bullied at school but wasn't aware of it, just like how a lamb is oblivious that getting into the truck to the slaughter would be one of its last moments.

5: Would you send August to school if you were his mum or dad? Explain why or why not.
I wouldn't because I wouldn't want him to be bullied because of his facial features. I would find online resources for him to use to learn instead of going to school.

6: What white lie did August's mum tell? Why did she do it? Are white lies okay to tell?
August's mother said that the test to get into his new school was actually an IQ test. She did it to hide the fact that she wanted August to go to school. They can be okay depending on the context.

7: August decided that he liked Mrs Garcia - when she wasn't wearing her shiny smile. What is a 'shiny smile'?
A 'shiny smile' is a fake smile that someone makes when they're forced to smile when they don't want to.

8: How does August know the first time he meets Julian that he will be a bully? What are some of the ways that Julian bullies August? How does August respond?
August knew he would be a bully because of the attitude and he uses towards the other children and the way he picks fights at different things. Julian bullies August by teasing him about his facial features and August just takes it, he doesn't fight back.

I made a Wonder cover of myself!

Friday 16 February 2018

What Is Safety?

In Technology, we are learning to keep safe in the workshop. The main ways to do this is to learn how to follow the signs present in the workshop. There are 3 kinds of signs.

Image result for hazard sign

Image result for prohibition sign
The first is a yellow triangle with a black icon and black border. This is a hazard sign. A hazard sign is present whenever something that can cause harm is also present and can be difficult to remove or minimise. If a sign like this is around, heed its advice and stay on your watch.

The second is a white circle with a black icon and a red border and red cross going through it. This sign is a prohibition sign. If this sign is around, it means you're not allowed to do something specific. For example, one with a phone might be around, meaning you must leave behind or turn off your phone.

Image result for mandatory sign

The third and last is a blue circle with a white icon. This is a mandatory sign. If you see this sign, you must do whatever the sign says and make sure you have the right equipment. For example, if you see one with safety goggles, you must put on safety goggles to protect your eyes.

I made my own sign, a mandatory sign meaning you must you use a safety screen around a certain machine.

Wednesday 14 February 2018

Making Food in Home Economics!

I created savoury cases! I made these with Chloe, Jaime and Kayne. These were made from bread, cream corn/spaghetti, cheese and onion (Although I didn't get any cheese on mine because the others took it all, mainly Kayne!). We were very proud of how it tasted, it tasted very nice and it was cooked perfectly. We would improve on sharing the ingredients more evenly between each other (KAYNE).

Image result for savoury bread cases
What they looked like!

Thursday 8 February 2018

What makes a good song and a 'blegh' song (In my opinion)

So I'm here to explain why I like different songs compared to others. I have an odd taste in music, so strap in and enjoy the ride!

First up: 'Ghost Rule' by DECO*27 (English lyrics by rachie)
I love Ghost Rule! It's a nice song with a good story.

-Catchy beat right from the start
-Intriguing story
-The line 'I've hidden it away' hints at some mystery
-The repeating line 'Mayday' gives a sense of danger
-Hinting at a secondary character other than the person the singer is talking to
-The singer obviously is sorry for whatever she did
-The first four lines repeating shows some sadness

Next: 'Witch Hunt' by Ryo (English lyrics by JubyPhonic-P)
I hate this song with a passion. There are so many things wrong with the story.

-Very odd choice of beat and instruments
-"She came to love a young prince, so the story goes" That's not how that works
-That escalated quickly... she was in love with the prince in one line then tied to a cross in the next. What?
-This is one of the few songs where I genuinely don't like the repetitive lines...
-Doesn't show that the current event is the witch being tied until the second chorus
-It really annoys me when people just edit one of the lines to prove a point
-"Can't believe all the fools I see! You fed them dirty lies!" No, they didn't, you're a witch
-"No need for a magic to stop time, no spell can achieve what we feel" Yes it can
-"Penitence for your crime! Penitence and your life!" Please shut up

What am I learning?

I'm learning how to show what evidence I have to support a particular opinion; in this case, why I like Ghost Rule and not Witch Hunt.

How does this work show my learning?

It shows how I used the tools at my disposal to write a list of why I like and dislike these particular songs.

What do you guys think about these particular songs? Is there anything I could improve on in regards to this post? Please let me know in the comments!